Wednesday 29 September 2010

Our first meeting - looking at fast edits

This clip is research on fast edit scenes which we as a group shared an interest in. we liked the style of fast edits and noted that as an idea or aspect of the film that we wanted to look more into.

i decided to look into films which contained fast edits/transitions and use them for inspiration on style of editing


We understood that the them of 'the fall' means at some point, their is a stumble, a downfall. focussing on this part, means it will have to be effectively shown, audience should be able to feel the stumble, the fall of the character or situation. one way we understood the tension and heat of the moment of the stumble and fall can be portrayed is through fast editing, as it speed up you mind, your thoughts etc, wheras slow edits allow you to be more relaxed. therefore i researched into fast edits to give me a clear insight as to how the fast editing style can be done, what moments do they begin to pace up and at which moments wil it slow down.

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