Sunday 19 September 2010

Cinematography - Images based around the theme of the fall

Our task was to now develop our images by using a model to create a stream of images that tell a story. this story is to have a touch of the theme of the fall and contain a housestyle throughout.

My images show the story of the change of one person into two different people.
He starts of as a smart intelligent but nerdy looking character who then falls into a state of confusion where he then exits this character into the opposite kind, a ganster, rebel looking person. he has 'fallen' from one character to another. this falling effect is expressed through the lighting where at the start it is bright but sepia toned, however becomes darker as we get nearer to the end. symbolising a fall from good to bad. the lighting in the 3rd picture is half bright half dark to show the mid point, the point at which the change takes place from the old charater into the new character, which is demonstated as a big mistake when the lighting gets darker, dark like a pitt, to show how deep down this character has fallen into.

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