Sunday 19 September 2010

Cinematography - Turning everyday onjects into something else or something interesting

This slide relates to our research and planning. this task enabled me to interact with my creative side and to be open minded about casual things. our task was to picture everyday things we see in our house or outside and record is via still cameras. However, we had to capture an image with our own ability to interpret and see it as something that is not what it is 'everyday'. E.g, picture 1, which you will see shortly, will look like many spots of lights, almost like a tall building at night. what it really is..... the reflection of a basket on my window ledge!!!

Thes photos have helped me to understand the importance of the way shots are taken and that when i make my film i should look out for ways to get my film acros interestingly and not ordinarily, make it something that hasn't been seen before and i intend to apply these skills of cinematography to my film.

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