Wednesday 22 September 2010

Interesting things around the school based into the theme of the fall

final media - Slideshow

The point of this task was again to extend my skills on cinematography, to learn how to edit images to look like something deep and meaningfull. I experiemented and looked at normal basic objects around the school and thought how it can be made into an interesting story, something detailed, with meaning in every shot. something that can be made even with limited resources and guidence into something great with the creativity of our own minds.

This task allowed me to think about how when i make my film i should be aware that there wil be limitations and at times where resources are short or limited i have to learn to make ado, but making ado does not mean to give up, it means to work with what im given and devleop, and be creative with what i have, so i can apply this to times where when i get my location, i can look around, and look at things in detail, test and experient on how i could angle shots, or take certain shots or subjects in the shots and make them interesting.

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