Wednesday 29 September 2010

What is Silence?

As the film will be a silent movie. I felt a need to expand my imagination when it came to silent films, as this is something new to do and will mean I have to explore into silent films. First I will look at the meaning of ‘silent’ and interpret it many ways.




Peace of mind

Absence of noise


Is it even possible to attain ‘silence’?

Way I think about it is that, there can never be ‘silence’ some type of sound will always surround us.
If a whole family in a house is asleep. There may be silence in our case but is there really silence, when there are little sounds in the background of traffic, cars and horns, birds, animals, rain, and wind, sound of computers or buzzing. But I would see this as silence, as there is silence in the house even if there are background sounds. It’s still silent to me, the way I think of it.
So, the way I see it, most of us don’t actually know what silence is, some claim it’s the absence of sound but how many of us have actually experienced that completely, even the sound of yourself breathing in the most remote place would break the ‘silence’. My interpretation of silence, is the lack of sound, it’s experiencing less sound then usual, reaching a quiet and peaceful level where sound is at its minimal.

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