Sunday 12 December 2010

Film Review Final

View more documents from imanshafi.


  1. Good review, my only feedback is...

    Your layout needs tinkering, some of your text has been cut off by images etc. Such as in your first column, by the harry potter image.

    The language is good, i think it will appeal to both a film knowledgable and normal audience

    The main issue is the layout, and maybe use empires colour scheme? seeing as you've put in the effort to recreate the layout :)

  2. I really liked your review the language was informative but had the right balance of "chattyness" to it! i especially liked the picture you used as it protrays exactly what you talked about very well. Only real issue is the way you have formatted your review with the second column not reaching the images below it like the others, and the words being cut off by one of the images too. That aside i think this is a very well thought out review and i praise the last sentence of the final verdict; i think that was a beautiful way to end it.
