Sunday 12 December 2010


Poster No.1
Although i critisezed the black and white not working in some posters as i experiemnted, the way i used the effect was acceptable, firstly i reduced the harshness of the contract and averaged the brightness of the top image, to create a subtleness. the black and white effect suggests her happiness passing away, she is happy at some point but the black and white effect subverts this idea, our eyes move to the merged image of what she 'lay's' upon, the abstract world, of control, with the crucial element of the red string of fate and the two other characters which are tied up in it.

Poster No.2
The style of coloured text comes from the influence of 'Last Night' film posters and the choice of red comes from the re-occuring theme of the red string and the colour scheme of the film, in both reality and abstract world. this builds an atmosphere to the film so it enables audiences to match poster with film.

The light colours and amount of brightness in the image reflects on her dreaming, her dream world, her happiness, we move from her face downwards to the title, string along, here it sounds suspicious, (who is being stringed along the audience may ask)?, suspicions are aroused and doubt towards this woman is considered.. this creates a sense of wonder in the audiences mind hoping they would proceed further to watch the film

Poster No.3

title is moved around, the title is on the left hand side reason being is so when the audience first see the poster they see the image of the girl, Delilah, their eyes lead down onto the title string along, the word along links to the next closest things (which also matches in colour font and boldness), the rating by USA TODAY (a company that features Breaking news on weather, sports, world, science, financial, technology, travel, national, economy, and entertainment news) therfore widespread audience can recognize this company and ackowlege and trust the rating given.
There is a re-occuring font in all posters, called vrinda font. this font is used as it shows the outline of the string, it is not a dominating font, masculin and bold, but soft, smooth and string like, as if the world will lead us to a smooth ending, if the font was too hard, it would look thriller/horror/action type, and would subvert the calmness and curiosity in the poster, as we get the peacefullness from the character smiling with her eyes closed we also then see the fortune which unleashes wonder and suspicion of what will happen.
from poster 3 we understand crucial elements,
"love" "false" "strings" and the image of Delilah.
the reason the men are not included in the poster is so the audience remain in wonder and curiosity, if i also included in the same image the men the story may be too obvious and the audience may predict the film as something else basic. they would look at it and probably conclude a classic love story and miss the whole essence and usp of the film (the strings, the abstract world, etc)


  1. The house style of all three posters work well with the theme. I like how the word 'string' in the title is red because it highlights the themes.
    All three posters represent the target audience which are female teengae girls. The girl is the main focus in all three posters so this shows this.
    The black and white effects which are used in the first poster is really creative, however if the top image on the first poster was in colour and the bottom black and white it would look more appropriate due the facial expressions.
    Also the colours of the text contrast with thye background which looks good as well.
    The image of the second poster makes the film seem happy. The colours or transition could be changed to make it look more darker
    The bottom image of the third poster could be made to stand out more because it is an important part of the poster.

  2. For your poster campaign you’ve done really well in representing our film.

    In poster 1 the split screen of the two images is a very professional idea, it suggests your research into current film posters, and it also show the two sides to the story well, with the reality and abstract worlds, plus the contrast of a happy image and a sad one.

    The top image seems like a memory, due to the black and white effect. This could show how the story then turns sad from the happy memory, by the use of the bottom image.

    The overall style of the poster is very mainstream, and blockbuster inspired. This suggests your research into current romantic films, which is supported by the use of red and Delilah’s image. Creating the typical look of a romantic/drama genre.

    This house style is continued in your other posters, and they follow each other well, like a professional campaign. However your last poster looks more like a development of your 2nd poster. Although the idea of a reoccurring image is common in poster campaigns, I would say add some more to your 2nd poster, to make a bigger difference between the two.

    To develop it further I would say maybe, explore more with the font? Maybe some font designs that are more detailed and with a feminine look. This will appeal more to your target audience of women.

  3. Poster three is my favourite of all three posters having said this they are all very good well done. Maybe look at working with the conrast of poster 3 and 2 a little bit more as they are very bright. Well done you have done a good job!

  4. I really like all three of your posters however i think the second one is too sweet for the world of your film. The first one shows innocence then contradicts it with the image below it; and i think that works VERY well. As does your third poster with the fortune in the image. Having said this your housestlye is clear throughout and that is very good! Well done Iman :)
