Thursday 2 December 2010

Similarities in Film reviews

From magazine to internet reviews i have noticed a basic element that is usually there in all reviews, mostly it isn't included in the actual solid descriptions and paragraphs, but within the space of where the review is written a small section is there, stating the RELEASE date the CERTIFICATE, the DIRECTOR, CAST, RUNNING TIME, and synopsis of PLOT.

I have noticed film reviews tend to focus of one point in the first paragraph to hook the reader, and tap into their interests. points focused on is the storyline, characters, general gist of the genre/film, but mainly the plot, for example, a quick straightforward bulletpointed description of the plot is given to interest the viewer. The reason why is is structured quick and straight to the point is to avoid boring the reader, and instead continually feed the reader the excitement of the film by listing points one after another. That way it creates a hold on the reader and therefore the reader would continue reading. An example of this kind of structure of introducing a review with the synopsis of the film is here, a review from last night..;

"In Last Night, Keira Knightley and Sam Worthington star as Joanna and Michael, a married couple living in NYC. They were college sweethearts and have been married four years. One night, they attend a dinner party where Joanna meets Michael’s beautiful new co-worker Laura (Eva Mendes). She sees the way they interact and instantly becomes jealous and suspicious. They go home later that evening and argue over the obvious question — did he, or didn’t he?"

This opening to the film review focuses on two essential points, it introudes us with well known hollywood stars Keira Knightley and Sam Worthington, this immediatly creates a sense in the readers mind that ..'well this must be good if THEY are in it!'
after the actors have been touched upon we go into the storyline, a quick general description that creates the dramaticness of the story, i have largened some words that are the main points that create the intenseness of the story and plot. 'A married couple, four years, Joanna meets Michaels beautiful new co-worker, becomes jealous and suspicious, argue, did he, or didn't he?"
The last bit however i think is more of a cliffhanger, it creates curiosity in the readers mind and taps into our interest, we read on and therefore develop an interest for the film.
one thing that is very important in reviews is the opening, which is essential as it needs to be persuasive and interesting.

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