Sunday 28 November 2010


This is readers comments;

Grant writes:

'Last Night is one of my favourite movies because it is so different from all others. It has a structurally slow pace, which is unusual for a film depicting the end of the world, and the sense of acceptance of the characters is admirable. It makes you as the viewer wonder if you would have the dignity to act as relaxed.

The music is a great support for the movie (and the soundtrack is excellent), and the performances are effortless and moving- it actually seems like the actors are the characters, because there are no cheesy lines or over-dramatic moments. It is told simply, acted simply (especially a stand-out performance by Sandra Oh), and concluded simply.

I must say that the ending ranks among my favourite movie finales (if not THE favourite), and it leaves the viewer with a sense of something long after they have finished watching. It's simplicity, purity and honesty make it a movie above the big Hollywood blockbusters, which seem to be churned out like fast-food.

But this is no Happy Meal.'

The reason why i inlcuded this film review was because what i found, was the usp of the review, the unique selling point. Obviously the review itself lures the readers interest into the film but also the actual views and opininions about the film by actual viewers, not critics, not film directors or producers, but by the ordinary public.

I thought that by involving these comments proved an authenticity to the review as it shows true opinions that are not bias as it isn't their job to comment on the film like critics, so the unconditional comments are quite honest you would expect.

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