Tuesday 2 November 2010

Music Research

In our Media lesson on monday (yesterday), Me, Edward, and Rebecca decided to spend our lesson researching on music tracks for our film. Keeping in mind our limits such as having to search for copyright free music. We found it hard as a alot of websites did charge. but we did find one which had many downloadable tracks with a huge variety.
we found 3-4 instrumental songs which would be appropriate for mainly the intimate/romance scenes, dinner scenes, and also breaking up scenes where Delilah gets found out. We are however strugling to find a suitable enough song for the start, the scene where Delilah gets up and get's ready as we need something that is slow but cheerfull (to an extent, so it can't be overly happy), e.g. we found a song that sounded too optimistic and also a bit like country music so it did seem hard to find the perfect matching song. We also had to make sure the songs we looked at won't give away the plot or ending (so it can't be too slow or dark).

We have downloaded a few songs. And we are currently keeping all the ones that may have potential. After we pull in enough songs we will meet in a group again to short-list the music and narrow down the ones that are strongest to match our music.

I mentioned during the research that i personally thought too much music would ruin the film and make it too staged and unreal. the silence would be very effective and crucial in scenes like where Delilah gets found out and when the men leave, also when she wake up. however we can compare with and without songs, get feedback from audiences and then dictate whether the certain scenes in the film are better or not with or without music.

I also pointed out to Rebecca that i would like to ask someone that we know who can sing to maybe sing a song that we think would work very well.
this is the video of the song that i suggested i would like in the film.

ive chosen to show the video of this song in lyrics because i thought the way the singer is so Loyal to his girlfriend shows how true his love is, and what i thought when listening to the song was that this song could be a voice for the men. as we do not have much speech from the men. To make there love for Delilah seem more true then just lust and to make the audience believe that these two men, David and James have deep feelings for her.

I think it is extreamly crucial that this effect is created so when the break up happens and Delilah gets found out, we feel the dissapointment of the men and the atmosphere would be more dramatic. we would understand the men are really hurt. This will create a real hit on Delilah as she realises she lost something very special, twice!

What made me think of the song was the name Delilah and then i came to research it and find that it would work pretty well. However, the problem is copyright. what is needed to do is the background track needs to be tampered very subtly to make it ours and the lyrics needs to be changed here and there. this is possible as i and rebecca have found a singer who maybe willing to sing and record for us

However, right now we need to briefly pitch the idea to the whole group and get a few ideas and views and discuss whether this is actually possible. We also need to speak to the singer a bit more to organise the song if we do decide to do it that is.

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