Monday 8 November 2010

Rehersal - 04/11/10

As i was prescribed my job of directing the rehersal and organising the rehersal i had many responsibilities.
  • i had to focus on issues with the cast, script and/or storyboard
  • acting - does it fit the character, is the chosen cast suitable for the role fully
  • does it look how you imagined
  • what have you learnt from this experience, what needs to be changed, state any strengths/weaknesses

After the rehersal.

  • Script was well written and understood.
  • Storyboard was clear to read and was good in itself in demonstrating the shots
  • Most of the time consistent communication with crew members, Cast members were majority of the time responsive to requests, they did communicate effectively with the crew and the job did in all get done


  • not organised enough, we need to plan and prepare effectively the shots, the mise en scene of them and how we plan to set it up correctly but under certain time limits.
  • lack of communication, some members were doing other peoples jobs then their own, i myself was doing my directing job, i was watching over the shots and checking the shots, the cameraa person was taking the shots and after i would suggest other angles i wanted to document in out photostoryboard etc. however the job did become shared and other crew members were getting too involved in my area rather than their own. We all ended up doing a bit of everything, i even helped set up the shot and place props into position as did other crew members. The problem here was not that we didn't give enough input to the production rehersal but we focused less on our areas. This may of been the reason why the rehersal took longer than we planned and therefore time was wasted which we cannot afford to risk on the day of filming.
  • The cast - one of our cast members was good at acting but became eaily distracted and laughed during the rehersal. The immaturity of cast was a problem as it pro-longed us from making progress and being able to move on swifty. At times we had to stop and start and expain and demonstarte shots several times and re-take them as cast was either not still enough of kept changing facial expressions. this only happened very few times and after to solve the problem, I and Esma did confront the cast and pointed out a few disruptions we found in the rehersal and made sure a more serious attitude will be delivered on the filming day.
  • Timing - as i mentioned before we need to prepare out shots before hand so we are ready to swiftly move on and shoot the next shot without disruption. This is to give us enough time to shoot different angles and takes of the same shots so we take a variety back incase planned shots do not come out as expected and we have a back up to use, and also because things like location and props in the shot take alot of time to get it perfectly right, so timing is very important and that factor needs to be in the minds of cast and crew.
  • It did look how i imagined the abstract scene in particular as we used the red string and we made sure the character had her nails painted red. however, we realised we would need to buy our own fabric for the abstract scene so little elements of the abstract seen were not as complete as it should have been (as in the use of correct background fabric for the location)

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