Monday 8 November 2010

Rehersal - 4/11/10 Photo-Storyboard (Abstract)

This shot i approved of because i felt the high angle was good in communicating how the relationship is meant to be equal, as we see the couple at an equal level sharing an equal third of the shot. this fits David and Jamess' view of thier relationship being at the same level, having the same feelings and being in love. whereas in Deliliahs worlds their is hidden deciet and the deciet of this shot will make the break up become a more effective plot point in the film.

This shot i also liked as it makes is look like David has some control in the relationship but really what he is not in control of is the fate of it and what Delilah has done to it. So again the idea of her deciet is shown subtley through angling.

This shot i felt seemed passionate, and we understand the passion in the relationship. the close up was chosen because it shows how David is so caught up in love with Delilah, as it is just them two in the relationship you would think they are all each other has. But when James gets involved in the shots we understand their world will be disrupted.

i didn't like this shot really, i personally do not see much of what is does except progress from an establishing shot of the couple and then to a close up, although this is part of the switch between the characters James and David, i think other previous shots are more interesting in terms of the body language of actors and the angle. this is simply a birds eye of James staring. I do think this shot is not as interesting as it could be, i as the director plan to still take this shot but in a variety of angles.

This shot was one of my favourites. the composition of characters was exactly how i imagined it from the time the storyboard was produced to the actual rehersal. The shot is a mid shot of Delilah who is in the foreground, we also get a Mid to Long shot of the two characters who stand for James and David, who also look symmetrical in the shot. This interested me a lot becuase i thought it actually reflected how Delilah has equally treated them wrong, and how the two men have equally been destroyed, how the relationship has been destroyed the same way and how they have lost her. However this shot is taken when Delilah alludes that she is in control, and where they are yet to discover the truth, the men being in the background with their backs turn, show how Delilah is decieving them by doing wrong behind their backs and also symbolising the men being in the dark (unaware) and not being exposed to the light (the truth).

i thought the angle in this which we experimented with was good as it conveyed the caos unleashed in Delilahs world how it is being turned upside down and she has lost control of the stability of it.

I liked the way this shot conveyed the stugle of Delilah trying to regain her power and control , however what would be more convenient is if both men where in the shot, because it seems to look unpresentable and messy where the other character is cut off when they should be part of this moment in particular. I think the camera shots need to be framed more accuratley by the camera person as faults like these could occur and we could be stuck with incorrect shots like these when editing.

There are many shots of the same angle, i am going to suggest a more vairity of angles to merge together instead of the same angled shots one after another, this is to create a more confused and caotic effect, and convey her loss of control and power by using more high angle shots, maybe birds eye, or even fast panning.
This was one shot I suggested to the group during the rehersal as I thought we kept taking similar shots and should experient with the way in which we frame our shots. I told the camera person to shoot through the string to create a more interesting framing, something unique.
This shot is good as it shows the string in the foreground being the element that drew all these characters to the same fate. However, the problem with this shot is that the ceiling was exposed and it made it look like the characters were in a different location all of a sudden. this would distrupt continuity and therefore we have to consider maybe other angles that are as effective and continued.

This I found was an excellent shot in showing Delilahs loss of power and entanglement with the red string of fate. the framing has allowed us to only see the top of her head and her hair and not her face which conveys her shamefull fate she has brought herself too.

I think this shot is appropriate to use but would work more if it was shot as a long shot showing her ending up in a lonely state.

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