Tuesday 2 November 2010

Today's Task

I was prescribed a task along with Norianne to organise a rehearsal for our film.
As we are still currently having location problems we had to organise our location before rehearsal date. we have found a location at the moment but we are not sure whether it will be our final location for our film.

our rehearsal will commence on thrusday after school with the whole group and our including our cast, Akin, Josh and Rebbecca.

On thurday I have made a list on what I plan to do, I plan to record some rehearsals so we can look back from that time till day of filming and analyse things that may not have worked that we may have not noticed on the rehearsal. I will also be photographing shots for our photostoryboard.

On the day of rehearsal there are some main factors we have to consider and look out for;
we have to look for any kind of problem that arises in the rehearsal, whether the cast are good enough, or if the setting is too small or big, if the colour of the room doesn't fit or if there isn't much consistent communication within the group.
we have too look at timing, mise en scene and find solutions to any problems that might cause delay or issues during the period of shooting.

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