Tuesday 2 November 2010

Final Treatment

Tag line

Pitch: 'Woman' is 19-20 years old. She is romantically involved with 2 men at the same time without them knowing. She uses them like a puppeteer, and from doing so she gains attention and feels good about herself. However what she doesn't realise is her lies are tampering with the red strings of fate she has made with the men, and how easily they can break.

We begin with a woman in a black room, all that can be seen is the red strings tied to her hands and fingers, which lead behind her and end attached to two men.The ties that shes made to them through romance.
Switch to a scene of a bedroom, we have a series of close ups, the 'Woman' is applying her red lipstick, make-up, snapshots of her features and hands while getting ready and primping herself. All the while we have our narrator introducing her character.
Around her vanity table we see various pictures of her with various men, past lovers and boyfriends. Red flowers sit in a vase on the table. She walks over to her wardrobe, and opens the door. As it closes we see her in a changed outfit. In the reflection she smooths her hair and giggles, looks upward as she thinks of her two lovers.
We see a montage of her and two men, being intimate, touching hands, lightly kissing her neck and cheeks and embracing her, we see both boyfriends have done this in the past as she recalls it.
We return to reality as we follow her downstairs and into the dining room, were we see a laid table for a meal, we watch as she adds the finishing touches, bringing in chinese to set down, a focus on her hand as she licks her fingers from the food and lights a candle.
'Ding dong' we hear the door bell ring, and just before she walks to the door, she notices and pulls off a fraying red tread from her top.
As she opens the door we cut to the black room, we see the 'Woman' facing one of the men, she looks at him and while laughing crooks her finger in front of her in a suggestive manner, thus pulling on the red string attached, which then pulls him forward. We cut back to the house scene as he steps through the door. As she leads him into the dining room the narration introduces him to us.
Then follows the date scene, sitting, eating the meal, light conversation, he takes her etc.
She then leans over to pick up a fortune cookie when the door bell rings again. Insisting the man goes to open the door, while 'Woman' sats at the table and cracks open the cookie.
Pulling out her fortune it reads '..........'
Cutting to the man opening the door we have narration all the while warns us to whats happening 'Now it gets interesting', and as the door opens were introduced to man number 2.
Standing at the door holding red roses with a grin on his face, it quickly falls as the two men look at each other with shocked expressions.
We cut back to the woman still sitting at the table, the two men walk through the door.
We fade into the abstract scene, the men are pulling on the red strings of fate, it starts to fray.
The strings break, and we see a pov of the 'Woman' , as she looks down to her hands, we see her look up to see the broken strings, and the men are gone.

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