Tuesday 9 November 2010

Assessment For Director Role

I was given the job as the director.
in that i will be assessed for certain things;
- The way i speak and communicate to cast & crew
- how i direct cast and crew, for exmample physically demonstrating shots to cast
- How i organise the shot
- My accurate vision of Mise en scene and the shot and the satisfaction of the shots
- giving orders and certifying the setting, props, position, composition is right
- working closely with the camera person to ensure the camera person captures the vision as clear as mine

This research and planning is vital to the making of my film as these elements in which i am assigned to consider as part of my role, will determaine the outlook of my film, the proffessionalism, the preciseness, accuracy and the link between how i (and other group members) see the film in mind and the outcome of the final product.

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