Wednesday 3 November 2010

Meeting with the group. 03/11/10

Today after our media lesson I, Edward and Esma stayed behind for an hour to finnish off our storyboard re-draft. We recieved feedback that our storyboard seemed to abrupt and obvious and there wasnt any intersting enough camera techniques. There needed to be more tilts, pans etc.

So we went back to our storyboard and picked out shots that we weren't completley satispied with and felt was too bland. We looked at differnt ways in which we could shoot the shot. for example one shot was of Delilah walking down the stairs, what we understood was a better way of showing this, in a more interesting way would be shooting the shot through the banister on the stairs.

heres a picture which is very close to the shot we got in mind. through a shot like this we would see Delilah comming downstairs.

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