Tuesday 9 November 2010

PROPS - Cookie Fortunes

During our film their is an important part where we have the Chinese fortune cookie which is broken at the verge of Delilah getting found out and all 3 characters confronting each other. we came up with many fortunes that could come out the cookie. the fortune being in the film is vital as it prepares us for the break up and works up from the start to this big plot point. it is essential we choose the fortune wisely as it is a silent film and so any words in the film will have a big impact and set an impression.

We came up with these;

  • You hold the string that breaks

i liked this fortune because i felt it was effective becuase the fortune was directly aimed at the person 'you' making the audience prepare for a change to happen to Delilah and the audience can also link this to the red strings of fate, the theme that runs through out, this will make our audience completely understand the story comming together and reach her fate.

  • the price of greed is loneliness

i personally thought this quote was more of a saying then something that reads a fortune, although what is says has meaning to the film i thought it needed to be more linked to the story and the theme. Also when asking for feedback from students outside our class they said it reminded them of greed for money and that it did not tie in with the film too well.

  • The strings of love will break

  • binded hands will break
  • the strings of love will be cut

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