Thursday 16 December 2010

Posters from magazines research

This poster i found interesting as the elements
in it seemed pretty persuasive, many quotes of opinions about the movies are on the poster this gives that quick review of the film along with ratings of the film at the top.

In my poster i hope to use this style of content as my film like this one is the first of its kind, meaning there is no sequel to it, it is the first one of its type, therefore, to gather new audience, the poster needs to be attractive, interesting and very persuasive.

From empire magazine i found lots of film posters which i will use as an inspiration and influenence for the making of my own magazine posters.

In this poster im going to in particular analyse the layout of the poster. the title is the biggest, in big font/weared font. This suggest the film is rough. the red taglines and text are balanced at the top and bottom of the poster, this is to emphasise the blod shed in the film and to portray the main genre, horror. The logos of cinemas from many areas are all shown at the bottom, this gives the feeling of exclusiveness, that the fact it is showing in many cinemas must mean the film has it's value and it must be good if it is showing in so many places.

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