Thursday 14 October 2010

Character development

WHat are we told about the character in the extract?

these were my first initial thoughts;
- the figure may be a man
- he is untidy and maybe his lifestyle, his life as a whole is a mess, and this is symblically shown through the words mentioned 'dusty, unkept, rumpled'
- it may be about the relationship between the 'figure' and the woman in the snapshot.
- i thought it was of someone who is quite literate and educated but at some point had stumbled down, fallen into a dark lifestyle, which is suggested by the dusty, unkept frame (of the diploma) and the 'rumpled' figure and by props 'trash can', gives a dirty atmosphere towards this character.

This task is a test to see how much information we can squeee out of an extract about a character, the characters lifestyl, achievements, gender, personality, hobbies, etc. Therfore through this exercise i can understand that the character and it's elements that make the character who it is, is essential to creating this characters world with the audience, correctly.

So in my film, i will have to be aware about my characters and creating them strategicly, by creating the world of the characters so their personality and purpose in the film is more clear and obvious

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