Wednesday 13 October 2010

Treatment (2rd Draft)

Tag line: 'The cruelest lies are often told in silence'.

- 'Robert Louis Stevenson'Pitch:

This 'Woman' is a 19-20 year old girl, she is romantically involved with 3 men at the same time without behind their back. She uses them like a puppeteer, to enhance her vanity and gain attention in the interest of her own selfishness. However what she doesn't realise is her lies are tampering with the red strings of fate she has made with the men, and how easily they can break.

Story:'Woman' is getting ready for a date, she applies lipstick, make-up, glamorous femine products, primping herself to perfection.We have a initial epil narration introducing her to the audience and the wrong she's doing. Around her vanity are photos and memories of her past lovers, boyfriends, some crossed out in the face, and her mother.Her phone rings and she talks into (see a montage of her talking to various people- passing on what she's doing, unashamed) while she gets ready. With a quick once over in the mirror she sets out and leaves her room.Now on the sidewalk, we have an narration introduction to the man's character. (comedic introduction, from the woman's point of view) 'Woman is joined by one of her three men, we've seen how she repeats this date with previous men, and she takes her current man to the same location. The Cafe.
She is standing in control of the red strings she has created
Inside she settles down with her date, they converse lightly and laugh, an enjoyable meal follows.
Her man then advances to her, takes her hand, rubs his thumb on it in circles, a romantic gesture. She smiles back as we hear the narration 'now this is were its gets interesting'.With the couple still holding hands in a seat by the window we see two men walk past and glance through. (introduction narration to there characters)Upon seeing 'Woman' holding hands with another, they all confront her, and learn from each other what she's done.
They argue with her while she remains still and silent.
Then when they've all had enough they leave at the same time.

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