Friday 8 October 2010

Opening titles research

We looked at opening titles that we thought would be interesting to use or to adapt cerain aspects of it into our film


Thease opening titles have the theme of the colour red, this is important as it prepares the audience for the theme of the film and the atmosphere of it, it hints the genre as horror or thriller. This is successfull as it pre-creates the atmosphere of the film before it starts, so i plan to follow this style in my film as it shows continuity.

B.o.B - Nothin' On You [feat. Bruno Mars]

This music video is interesting and the type of collage effect works well in the video, it seems different and this style is quite unique, the purpose of having unique styles is so that style becomes memorable and impresses the audience, so we can match the style to the film.

Strawberry Swing video

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