Sunday 3 October 2010

Journal Entry 2

In the second meeting with my group we all presented our finding together.
we all looked up quotes and picked our favourite ones that inspired us the most.

from that the quotes we got was;
  • the prettiest people do the ugliest things
  • the people highest up have the lowest self esteem
  • the universe is your oyster - child runs away, young person wanted to discover the outside world. he looses himself and finds himself in trouble as he is all by himself
  • even though yout heart is left it is always right - family fudes, drama related, falling pregnent, making tough decisions
  • let your dreams become reality - protests/rights, society, goverment
  • i am the greatest, i said that even before i knew i was - reality shock, non linear, powerfull then falls, could fall into disability/illness or tough circumstances..something tht prevents him from achieving or attaining his/her goal. something that creates a struggle or stops the power of this person. (the rise & fall of an individual), drama genre?
  • the edge of a dying romance (this was quoted off a song lyric) - growing distance between, friends/family/couple...father & son, mother & daughter, broken families. however we thought these typical 'romance' interpretations were too common. i came up with the dying romance between a mans best friend, a dog.

After our group shared ideas on the quotes we found, we then decided to go back and pick one or two quotes and make a treatment out of them or any ideas inspired by them.

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