Sunday 31 October 2010


Here i selected shots that i felt would need to be visually presented, in order to understand the shot better and see if it may work visually. I picked out a couple of interesting shots where subjects will be shot through objects to symbolising certain things. i also picked out some shots that involved a contrast either between the abstract world and reality or shots with a contrast between start and finnish of the film sequence.

Since my description of the shots on the right hand side are not clear enough in the image i will write it down here. what i explained in those descriptions was the shots and what intregued me about them to pick them to draw out.

Shot 1 - the first shot i picked out because i found it interesting the way i want it to be hot. looking through another object. The way this shot is formed is to symbolise Dililahs attempt to hide what she is doing, this shot also foreshadows how she will be found out.

Shot 2 - the shot was of the moment where she closes her cupboard door and she is all dressed up, in red, her hair is all tidy and her make up is all done, and the top she wears stand out in its shocking red, the colour is used alot in this shot to symbolise the danger ahead. the idea of having her image relected shows her mindset of her looking into herself in the mirror in vain and seeing herself as flawless.

shot 3 and 4 -these shots are a switch between the abstract world and reality. i believe the beauty about these shots is that is merges the body language of delilah and the men and connects both worlds together at the same time, almost preparing us for what is soon to come, a clash between Delilahs worlds are near.

Shot 5 & 6 - The shots show a contrast of how the film starts and how it ends which is in the same way but with a slight twist at the end where after she is found out her world falls apart and she looses the people in her life. the before and after contrast is shown.

shot 7 & 8 - Similar to shot 5 & 6 it shows a change in Delilahs world. She's lost the love she recieved from the men and the relationships she had have now died (symbolically shown through the dead flowers).

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