Wednesday 6 October 2010

Journal Entry 3

Today in our groups we had to dicuss ways in which we can develop our treatments. we done this by analysing 3 short clips
'The first time it hits' writeen & directed by Jaon Budge
'Hard Labour' directed by Oliver Krimpas
and 'Ice cream dream' directed by Ekta Walia

We considered some points to observe

  • Motivated & Believable actions of characters
  • simple idea executed well
  • plot points
  • rounded characters (inner/outer/world of)
  • pithy dialogue

we understoond these points were well demonstrated in these short films and we discussed how we understood the personality of certain characters. we were reminded that characters need to be given motives and there actions should explain themselves, the world of the characters should be understood. to keep it simple, there shouldn't be too many plot points, only a couple, however, they should be effective.

during the group discussion i noted a few brief points;

  • remember to show the backstory of characters
  • essential that mise en scene should be used effectively and it should conform to the backstoy of the characters
  • analyse how different characters are built (this i plan to do for my own personal research, by looking at shows, drama's, films to analyse characters and how they are portrayed through mise en scene and their backstory's)
  • think about suttle plot points (2 or 3)
  • neatley tie the plot points together

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