Sunday 3 October 2010

Journal Entry One

The first meeting with my group was interesting and i was delighted to have them as my group as i feel i can share openly any ideas and opinions and that they will give me honest feedback. i feel that my group members communicated very well with each other and myself. my group is me, Rebecca, Edward and Norianne, and i am happy that i am working with them as they are open to new ideas from everyone and share there own too.

In our first meeting we came up with;

Ideas -

  • Graphic matching
  • rise & fall (crime genre)
  • love
  • falling ill (disability, becomming mentally or physically disadvantaged)
  • filiming in the rain (fall of rain symbolising them of the fall)
  • contrast of unreal and reality, imagination vs reality, (camera style - showing half of both worlds in one shot)
  • single parents
  • current affairs
  • our city/lifestyle/society

however, we all felt that our ideas were too basic and that as a group we wanted to do our own extra research and look into anything that may inspire us and trigger new ideas

we decided to look at songs and lyrics related to 'the fall'

we also were very much interested in the idea of looking up quotes and sayings that could inspire us with a moral, a storyline or something to offer an inspiration for us.

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