Wednesday 13 October 2010

FEEDBACK (2nd pitch of treatment re-draft)

After recieving our first amount of feeback from our first pitch we had to go back and as a group meet up in our time to discuss and begin writing another improved treatment. we had to as a group go through the feedback and deliver a response to the group as to how we can overcome this issue or how can we portray certain aspects that may have not been included or emphasised enough in our film. we had to consider many potential issues or queries our audience may have and with that feedback we needed to develop.
heres the feedback.

-more clearer but you need to show more about her world
- how will you show she lost something (valueble to her, i.e. the guys)
- needs to be a more major moment in the film, character needs to progress something needs to change her after this moment
- need to set her up more as a cheat, a player
- include different scenarious of characters

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