Sunday 31 October 2010

Meetings with the group 2

I met up with my group to during half term to finnish off the stroyboard. before we started we discussed again the treatment and read over our script to confirm it was final and brush up on any problems. We were ready to start making it into a storyboard and began by discussing every shot one by one and noting down as a list what every shot will include, so we noted briefly for every shot the location, the main props, body language, facial expressions and basically the mise en scene of every shot. after we organised all the shots into order we decided to begin drawing it out so we can see if it visually meets our imaginations.
Our second meeting was with one of our cast members Josh, we asked him to see the group in person and to look through the storyboard we planned out to get a feel of the film and to understand his role and character in the film more deeply.
we got a shot of rebbecca who will be the casting as Delilah and Josh together to give us a little pre picture of the couple in the film and to get a feel to see if it would work out, which we all agreed it did.

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